PSAS Chatbot

Friday, October 30, 2015

Cooter's Elevation Re-ignites Cooter Fragment Mystery

April is the cruelest months, breeding lilacs and philosophical questions posed on T-shirts that cause you to reevaluate your entire life up until this point.

Location: Florida, where else? Walmart, obviously. In line to buy a shopping cart full of beer and carbohydrates.

Scene: In front of you in the check out line, a boy, perhaps 12, his sister say 9 and grandmother are shopping primarily for corn syrup and dye. There's a hangup in line. Price checks, a brief negotiation of the price of cancer. Through your pounding hangover you gradually notice the boy's shirt. It depicts a turtle, drinking beer. The title of the piece "Happiness is a Tight Cooter" the emphasis is on tight.

Preliminary Inquiry questions: you wear that out with your grandma?

Things you'll think about later than night while tripping and treading water above the entrance to a limestone cave system that regularly claims the lives of spelunkers: holes, introversion, hyper dimensional folds in space time, the stories of HP Lovecraft, turtles in popular culture, the similarity of fits of hysterical laughter and drowning.

Fantasy implications from subjective Cooter recurrence within calendar year
Stafford - QB2
Abdullah - benched
Megatron - WR1
Riddick - Chronicles of...

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