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Friday, December 2, 2011

PSAS Inching Closer Towards New League?

Reports of the birth of a new league, son of TTM’s PSAS, have come as a shock to most of the All-Starz, and generally disregarded as more of a fleeting fantasy rather than a reality. However, recent events seem to suggest that a relegation league may in fact be on the horizon.

For starters, League titans, the Aethernauts and Grossman Sachs, have expressed rabid support for the nascent league’s start-up efforts, with Sachs even assuring the PSAS that minimum franchise requirements would be met with ease. Such efforts would be necessary to ensure the viability of any league, much less one derided as a ‘chump league’, given its stated obeisance to its father, the PSAS. Nevertheless, the mission of the new start-up is so rife with conceptual clarity, so imbued in the primordial spirit, so rich in abendlandisher Bewusstsein, that the baby league appears to be willing itself into existence by virtue of its willing its own will. And therein lies its undeniable draw: the baby must be born because it cannot not be born.


When asked directly whether they would support a shape-shifting PSAS, Vixkennel issued a statement: "Just as iron sharpens iron, so man sharpens man". It was an inspirational message. Vixkennel appears ready to run through the brickwall on the way to redemption in the new league. The much-maligned franchise, subject to ridicule and curious contempt, is surely condemned to the new league if it does, in fact, enter the world as a healthy living and breathing entity. Relegation should be a good opportunity for the kennel to reclaim its mojo, and might even be a playground for some of the kennel’s controversial initiatives to come to pass.

As of press time, the other certain-to-be-relegated-team-if-it-happens Phat Girlz have not been reached for comment. The Girlz’ disillusionment with the commish’s handling of the draft and scoring inflation, not to mention year-long apathy, might be reasons to accept their fate gracefully, but the team’s ambitions for next year are unknown.

A third team also must be ready to meet its maker, not two as was first erroneously reported. Unless Tebow works a last second miracle, it looks like d_k will also be exiting, and the undressing from first-to-worst will be complete. The embarrassment and humiliation shared by these three teams is palpable, but hopefully they will approach their sojourn like the first American settlers did at Jamestown.

The new league will also affect the PSAS leadership structure. It may no longer be possible for the two-team Longhorn Network to dominate as they once had. While the commissioner and Reserve Chairman posts may remain the same, a new leadership position would have to be created for the Fantasy Association. The FA oversees the prestigious FA Cup as well as all interactions between the two leagues. It could also oversee other competitions, such as one modeled after the Carling Cup. This, however, is purely speculative, but surely would seem like a waste for the PSAS to ignore Grossman’s overtures.

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