PSAS Chatbot

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Preparing the Tiger's Way - Protocal for Formal Obeissance

Though it pleases me greatly to rule over your fantasy lives, yet there may come a time when I too must journey through the Star-gate, to the land of the gods, forever to be seen in the night sky. While this time is yet far off, surely the impending birth of my son puts me in mind of how best to order the lives of mortals when I am gone. All wise men agree that it is best for the State to be passed from strength to strength, and not to degrade its grandeur with lesser rule or interruptions. With this in mind I have compiled a list of the ways that the kings of your various peoples command the promise of loyalty to their rightful heirs.

If you're thinking music gifts, he already
loves Strauss' "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"

Ireland: In many Celtic societies it is customary to offer hostages, usually blood relatives who will act as the servants or playthings of the princeling. This is acceptable to both parties as it will prevent any revolt on your part and give your relatives great access to the wisdom of the throne.

France: In traditional French culture it is required to make a pilgrimage to "adore" the new dauphin with gifts so expensive as to convince the king of your inability to raise a substantial army for several years.

Russia: Czars of Russia would routinely shave their nobles beards and force them to eat the shavings to cause indigestion.

Rome: Roman senators would routinely have their wives and daughters ravaged to save the young emperor the trouble.

Thundercats - On the planet Thundera it is law that collections be taken of the cat-prince's urine that and that his subjects spread this marker liberally over their clothing and property.

In all cultures traditional signs of obeisance are acceptable - kneeling, bowing, scraping, flattery aversion of the eyes, fainting, etc. Many are the subjects who will (genuinely or feigned) fall into hysterical fits of madness. While all of these are acceptable - simply setting your line-ups for the rest of the season would please us much.

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