PSAS Chatbot

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week 8 Casino Gulag

My well is back to being substantial after several tips came in, which stimulated some groundwater within me to flow up.  I don't want to waste good ideas, so we'll pick this week from one of the suggested games.  I choose Target King, as this once gives most player field.
Pick a player who will have MOST TARGETED PASSES.  This week's dollar-refund special is if a non-WR (RB or TE) wins regardless of someone picking him. 

As always, 3 bankerbytes per bet, one bet limit except for TigerMtn.  TTM will receive a free bet paid for by Kenji (you can buy another ticket if you choose) for providing this particular game idea.  I want to encourage others to come up with Casino Gulag games.
Prize is double the pool with matching funds.  First come, first serve, so comment below.  My (winning) pick will come after three bets or 24 hrs.