PSAS Chatbot

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stock Market and CGG Week 9: Short But Sweet

Last week's Casino Gulag Game spent a little time in the cyclotron, and can now only been seen through icelandic spar. The spinning and double refraction has turned it on its head, and now we are left with Short But Sweet. Pick a RB/WR/TE and whoever has the LOWEST YARDS PER CATCH (one minimum) wins the game. Short notice, and who the hell knows who is a good pick for this one, so first come, first serve.

Stock Market:
GrossmanSachs (11) vs Tusken Raiderz (3) - Dubai Banking Bubble Bowl
TakingTigerMountain (2) vs AEthernauts (13) - U2's Elevation Tour brought to you by Haier
Pelican Brief (4) vs The Goslings (9) - The Pantyrainmaker
Polk High Panthers (1) vs BDT (12) - Bundy vs Heidegger IV
Phat Girlz (8) vs Stylez (14) - PriMo'Niqual aka Who Wants to Win 4 Dollars?!
Trichs (6) vs NeckBloodz (10) - Pull and Spin brought to you by Bop It
Ferries (7) vs Dijonnaise (5) - Yellow Submarine Bowl ***** GAME OF THE WEEK *****


  1. SBS: Chris Ivory

    g-dbank over Tatoonie FC
    Nauts over the Mountain
    Chico State over ATLiens
    Girlz over inflation squad
    Ferrymen over the Earl of Mustard

  2. Sproles for the ting

    Sachs, Nauts, Gos, BDT, Girlz, Trichs, and Ferries

  3. Cordarelle Patters0n // BDT and Gr0ssman

  4. I'll take the PleaseGodzGiveUsAWinBank, Nauts, Girlz and Ferries.

    Ben "The Ump" Hartsock for Short But Sweet

    1. I'll take BDT too. Didn't see that they were only operating at 70% capacity.

  5. SBS: Ray Rice

    Plus G0dbank, Ferries, Goslings
